Can I Upload a Mp3 File From Micro Sd Card Into Studio One 4


Grove - MP3 v2.0

Grove - MP3 v2.0 is a tiny-sized and meaty sound module. It supports various audio file operations for an audio file of MP3, WAV and WMV format, such as random music playing, play music in specific files, and then on. With serial communication, yous can utilize all predefined command or command combinations to practice all operations on music files. This module also supports general file systems such equally FAT16 and FAT32. Information technology gets a Grove UART interface, a 3.5 mm audio jack and a micro-SD slot. With this module, you can add some noise to your silent applications.


Product Version Changes Released Date
Grove - MP3 v1.0 Initial April 28 2013
Grove - MP3 v2.0 Change to KT403A Dec 15 2015


  • General operations on sound files
  • On-lath micro-SD slot and iii.v mm audio jack
  • Support sample rate of 8 / 11.025 / 12 / xvi / 22.05 / 24 / 32 / 44.i / 48(KHz)
  • 24-bit DAC output, 90 dB (at Max.) dynamic output range, signal-noise ratio at 85 dB
  • MP3, WMV and WAV sound format and FAT16, FAT32 files organisation supported
  • Embed 10 levels of equalization in total


More than details about Grove modules please refer to Grove System

Awarding ideas¶

  • Middle-level audio module for whatever applications.


Parameter Value
Input v Five (DC)
Operating current (no betoken output land) less than 15 mA
Operating current less than twoscore mA
Fleck KT403A (datasheet)
Flake LDO output voltage three.iii V
Chip output electric current 100mA(at Max.)
File formats supported MP3, WAV, WMA
Maximum memory supported for SD card eight GB
Sampling rate 8 / 11.025 / 12 / 16 / 22.05 / 24 / 32 / 44.1 / 48(KHz)

Platforms Supported¶

Arduino Raspberry Pi


The platforms mentioned higher up as supported is/are an indication of the module's software or theoritical compatibility. We only provide software library or code examples for Arduino platform in about cases. It is not possible to provide software library / demo code for all possible MCU platforms. Hence, users have to write their own software library.

Hardware Overview¶

Getting Started¶

Play With Arduino¶


  • Footstep one. Set up the beneath stuffs:
Seeeduino V4.2 Base of operations Shield Grove - MP3 v2.0
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We demand SD card with music inside and Headset/earphone or stereo with 3.five mm audio jack as well.

  • Stride 2. Connect Grove-MP3 v2.0 to port D2 of Grove-Base Shield.
  • Step iii. Plug Grove - Base Shield into Seeeduino.
  • Step 4. Connect Seeeduino to PC via a USB cable.


If we don't have Grove Base Shield, Nosotros likewise can directly connect Grove-MP3 v2.0 to Seeeduino as below.

Seeeduino Grove-MP3 v2.0
5V Reddish
GND Black
D3 White
D2 Yellow


  • Pace 1. Download the Grove-MP3 v2.0 from Github.
  • Step ii. Refer How to install library to install library for Arduino.
  • Stride 3. You tin select Seeed_Serial_MP3_Player/examples/KT403A_Terminal_player example and upload to arduino. If you lot do non know how to upload the code, please cheque how to upload code.
  • Step iv. We will see the info at COM terminal equally below.


For advanced programming, you tin can download datasheet of chip KT403A.

  • Pace 5. Please key in the related command to play the music.


The library supports AVR/SAMD/STM32F4 devices, both hardware and software serial too.

There are ii kinds of series ports. One is COMSerial, stands for advice port(connecting with Grove-MP3 module). The other is ShowSerial, stands for serial info display port(connectiong with PC).

Most of arduino boards accept at least one Serial, some have multiple serials(Arduino Mega has 4 Serials). Information technology communicates on digital pins 0 (RX) and one (TX) every bit well as with the computer via USB. So if you connect UART device on pin D0 and pin D1, you have to remove them before downloading program through USB. Or else it will cause upload fails. Sometimes yous need more series ports than the number of hardware serial ports available. If this is the case, you lot can apply an Software Serial that uses software to emulate series hardware. Software serial requires a lot of help from the Arduino controller to send and receive information, so it's not every bit fast or efficient as hardware series. For more info about the Serial, please refer to Seeed Arduino Serial.

  • AVR: For the below case, Nosotros define Software Serial as COMSerial(connectiong with Grove-MP3 module). Non all the digital pins can be used for software serial. Yous tin can refer to Software Serial for detail pins. We define hardware Serial as ShowSerial(connecting with PC). If you utilise Arduino Mega, yous can connect the hardware Series to ShowSerial and the other Serial1/Serial2/Serial3 to COMSerial. So yous can refer to AVR Mega setting.

  • SAMD: For the below instance, The SAMD does not support software serial. We apply the hardware serial Serial1 to commuincate with Grove-MP3 Module and SerialUSB to print message on PC.

  • STM32F4: For the beneath example, We utilise the hardware serial Serial to commuincate with Grove-MP3 Module and SerialUSB to print bulletin on PC.

                                                        #ifdef __AVR__                    #include                                                            <SoftwareSerial.h>                                        SoftwareSerial                                                            SSerial                    (                    ii                    ,                                                            iii                    );                                                            // RX, TX                    #define COMSerial SSerial                    #define ShowSerial Serial                                        KT403A                    <                    SoftwareSerial                    >                                                            Mp3Player                    ;                                        

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